02 Apr 2021

Glavbolgarstroy begins the modernization of WTP Plovdiv

The long-awaited modernization of the wastewater treatment plant in Plovdiv will start in mid-May. The project includes its reconstruction, modernization and completion, and the deadline for implementation of this project is 730 calendar days.

Waste water treatment plant Plovdiv is part of the Integrated Project for the waters in Plovdiv – Phase I which will be financed by the OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME EVIRONMENT 2014-2020. More than 415 000 residents will have access to the improved water treatment after its reconstruction.
Third stage will be implemented in the station for full biological treatment through removal of the biogenic elements nitrogen and phosphorus and digester tanks for anaerobic treatment of sewage sludge with use of the biogas through cogeneration.
The site of WTP Plovdiv is located in the Southeastern part of Plovdiv , about 1.5 km outside the boundaries of the city.

The reconstruction of the waste water treatment plan Plovdiv has a key role in the region as not only the waste water of Plovdiv will be treated in it but all the waste waters of Kuklen, Maritza, Belashtitsa, Branipole, Brestnik and others as well.