28 Jul 2023

Training on “Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in Bulgaria” was held within the frameworks of the MOBICCON-PRO project

Training on the topic "Management of Construction and Demolition Waste in Bulgaria" was held on July 27, 2023 in the conference hall of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber. The event is organized within the frameworks of the Territorial Cluster Center for Circular Construction in Southeast Europe created in May 2023 under the MOBICCON-PRO project - an international research project in the field of the circular economy in construction, financed under the Horizon Europe program, where GBS is a project coordinator.

The carried-out training provided construction professionals with detailed information on Bulgaria's regulatory framework for CDW management and presented innovative solutions for circular construction to be developed under the project. The event received significant interest and brought together around 40 representatives from construction companies and experts in the sector. The participants were introduced with the current challenges in the field, as well as with the perspectives towards the construction and demolition waste management.

The expert’s gathering was officially opened by the Executive Director of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber, Arch. Ivan Nestorov, who welcomed the audience and expressed gratitude for their interest. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Rumyana Zaharieva, Head of the Department of "Construction Materials and Insulation" at the University of Architecture, Construction, and Geodesy, also delivered welcoming remarks, emphasizing the importance of sustainable construction and proper utilization of construction waste. Albena Angelova, Executive Director of "Glavbolgarstroy Holding," welcomed the audience and expressed appreciation for their interest in the first training organized within the MOBICCON-PRO project. Yasen Georgiev, Executive Director of the Economic Policy Institute, stressed on the significance of the construction sector for the transition to a circular economy and climate neutrality in Bulgaria and Europe.

During the event, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Rumyana Zaharieva, the main speaker, highlighted the importance of timely measures to reduce the ecological footprint on the planet and the need to consider waste as a valuable resource that should be properly utilized. Prof. Zaharieva provided a detailed review of the regulatory framework for CDW management, discussing the current requirements related to the Plans for the management of construction waste in Bulgaria, as well as the obligations and responsibilities of the construction companies.

In the second part of the event, Plamena Nenkova, Deputy Executive Director "Strategies, Communications and International Relations" at "Glavbolgarstroy Holding" and Coordinator of the MOBICCON-PRO project, presented details about the expected results of the project's implementation. The project aims to develop innovative solutions for the production of high-end recycled building materials. Ms. Nenkova also introduced the Territorial Cluster Center for Circular Construction in Southeast Europe, which aims to provide a platform for the exchange of experiences in circular construction between academic and research environments, public institutions, industry, construction companies, industry associations, and non-governmental organizations. The already operational center offers both virtual and physically accessible platforms for collaboration and consultation on a wide range of topics related to the processing of construction waste, reuse of recycled products and materials, current legislation, and civic participation. Last but not least, the online trading platform B2B & B2C was presented, designed to enable business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-community (B2C) exchange of recyclables and reusable materials. Potential users of reclaimed materials can enter their requirements and search for materials that meet their needs, facilitating access to recycled and ready-to-use construction products and materials.