
Batenberg Office Building

Contracting Authority
Belvue Properties EOOD

Sofia, 4 Batenberg Street

Period of implementation
August 2008 – June 2009
Glavbolgarstroy’s role in the project
Prime contractor
Nature of works

Restructuring, reconstruction, restoration, adaptation, extension and upgrade of the existing office building – cultural monument

Technical characteristics

The building was designed and built in several stages, namely:

  • 1st stage – in the early 20th century – around 1905
    The basement and three ground floors are completed: +16.20 meters. It is also referred to this period the coverage of the courtyard with a light metallic glass structure at elevation: +5.50 meters.
  • 2nd stage – it is dated most probably to the mid-1930s – around 1934 ~ Two ground floors are completed to elevation: + 22.30 meters and a sloping roof.
  • 3rd stage – it is dated most probably to the early 1960s – around 1964 ~ The attic floor is built at elevation: + 22.30 meters and an elevator is installed in the “eye” of the three-shoulder staircase;
  • 4th stage – it is dated to the late 1970s, around 1978 ~ An intermediate level is completed at elevation: + 2.80 meters and a ‘mezzanine’ part is formed on the ground floor;

When adding new floors to the building in the 1930s, as well as during other interventions afterworks, builders have not added any element of the substructure and the foundations in the first three ground floors to enhance the structural safety of the building.

Largely in its most active period, the building was used for administrative purposes, and on the ground floor retail shops were separated. The new owners of the building have prepared the current investment project, which is already implemented, for development of the existing liaison, which actually makes it a modern and multifunctional the building.

The project implemented by Glavbolgarstroy includes strengthening of the existing building and upgrading it with one floor, filling the property’s density and extending the one-story building in the courtyard in accordance with the building and technical norms currently effective in the country.